Monday, August 1, 2011

The Past Few Days in Bangalore

On Saturday, we went to two music schools around Bangalore to see what our options were for continuing music lessons (viola and voice for me, flute for Amara) while we're here. The first one was interesting, the guy who we talked to was named Ashley and he was a weird dude. But, he actually took the time to listen to me and Amara okay our instruments and he also listened to me sing. He then invited me to come back on Sunday to participate in their voice class, and I was undecided at first, but after seeing the second music school I decided to go to the class. The second music school, The Bangalore School of Music (either School or Academy, one of those two) was really a disappointment. I've become really attached to my viola teacher back in Washington over the past four years of lessons from him, so it's really hard for me to be open minded about taking lessons from someone else. But I'm trying, I don't want to lose a whole year of playing my viola so I guess I'll do whatever it takes to continue that. On Sunday, I did go to the voice class and ended up liking it a lot! It was really fun, but I was reminded in that class that I also really got attached to my voice teacher in Washington over the past 2 years of lessons from her, so it was again hard for me to try a new style of teaching and a new teacher. But I think I'll definitely be going back for voice and viola lessons at William Joseph International Academy for Performing Arts. Today, we went to our new school, Indus International School, to get measured for our uniforms and to get our PE uniforms. They're all ugly. Really, really, horribly ugly. It's only for 8 hours a day though, so I guess it's fine...but they're still ugly. Girls have to wear a SKIRT every day which is actually the worst thing ever. Whoever invented skirts is mean. And we have to wear these stupid ugly brown loafer-like shoes! UGH. The PE uniform definitely isn't as bad as the regular uniform but I'd obviously prefer no uniform at all. The parentals are out house hunting yet again, but Amara wasn't feeling good so we had our driver drop me and Amara off at the apartment while my parents went to look at around 9 more apartments. More later, thanks for reading!


  1. Keep you chin up chica! I enjoy reading about all your adventures. I am so so so proud of you and Amara. Its so crazy to start a new chapter like high school in such a different place but you will do it wonderfully! Take a pic of the uniforms....gotta see their ugliness haha Loves

  2. Haha thanks Katieee! thanks for reading :) and there are pictures of the pe uniforms on my facebook as well as on my mom's!

  3. aneesa =.= we dont have to wear skirts eeverryyyday. but the uniform is still trreesss horriblee.
